Why doesn’t this do-file run through …?

Quite often a do-file is written to run on various data-files that all seem to be the same. Say, you have done it for one year of a data-set and want to repeat the same for the subsequent years that you have data. Now, a check whether the data actually has some data (given your selection) is often a good idea, here is how I did it in a recent project:

assert `r(N)'>1

I am using the saved return local variable r(N) that STATA automatically generates after count. This is a need feature that you should consider for many other commands (try return list after your favourite command).

Continue reading “Why doesn’t this do-file run through …?”

Export single numbers to LaTeX or MS Word

In a text, you often you refer to a number (e.g. the number of observations in the estimation sample). There is a simple way to automise the export of this number from a Stata-do-file to a Latex-document. Continue reading “Export single numbers to LaTeX or MS Word”

Cleaning up messy (string) variables

Working on firm level data (again), I have the experience of cleaning up hundreds of different spelinngs of occupations that should eventually be categorized into a set of occupations that should only differ when actual different occupations are needed.Let me call the variable occupation.

34. slesar po remontu la
38. slesar po rem. la
44. slesar po rem. i obsluzh. vent. i kondicionirovaniya
54. slesar po rem. i obsluzh. ven. i kondicionirovaniya
146. slesar po rem. la
205. slesar po remontu agregatov
259. slesar po rem.agregatov
313. slesar po remontu kompressornyh ustanovok i oborudovaniya
343. slesar po remontu oborud

Wonderful mess, acutally only a minor part of the full data-set.
Continue reading “Cleaning up messy (string) variables”

Export of regression tables to LaTeX

The ado-files --esto-- and —esta— (has to be installed by typing --findit esto-- or —findit esta— into the Stata command window) provides a simple way to export regression tables from Stata to a separate LaTeX-file. At the same time, it is possible to adjust basically everything. I will just present a short example that I use for my regression tables (for adjusting the code, see --help esta--). After installing the ado-packages, run (in this case) two regressions, in my case: Continue reading “Export of regression tables to LaTeX”

Export summary statistics to LaTeX

The ado-file --sutex-- (has to be installed by typing --findit sutex-- into the Stata command window) provides a simple way to export summary statistics from Stata to a separate LaTeX-file. It is limited in individualised adjustment, but quite OK for most applications. By default, you get mean and standard deviation for variables VAR1, VAR2, VAR3, etc. A syntax could be: Continue reading “Export summary statistics to LaTeX”

Table of descriptives

Posted by Didier

This illustrates ways to make a tables of descriptives (mean or something else) for many variables (say wage, tenure, education, …) and several groups (say males and female). Neither summarize or tabstat are useful if the variables are many. With summarize, you would need to cut, paste and edit the output in e.g. Excel. With tabstat, the tabel would be too wide. Continue reading “Table of descriptives”

Using locals and loops to generate long strings

The following command can be used to generate a command which consists of several new variables which are generated within a loop.

This could either be done by (e.g. generating a number of log variables)
gen newvar1 = log(var1)
gen newvar2 = log(var2)
Continue reading “Using locals and loops to generate long strings”