Include entire PDF files in your LaTeX document

I described already earlier how to use images in pdf format in your LaTeX document, e.g. if you want to include a screenshot of a Table of a paper in pdf format in your slides (which results in much better quality than using jpg or similar formats).

But what if you want to include complete pages of a document or even complete pdf documents? I have used the latter for example as a reliable tool to append pdf documents, such as papers.

Continue reading “Include entire PDF files in your LaTeX document”

Routine to export tables from Stata to LaTeX

When it comes to exporting regression tables from Stata to LaTeX, there are several packages that can be used. For a long time, I used outreg2, but now improved my code for the the estout package by Ben Jann. The remainder of this post describes the routine that works best for, you might want to adjust it for your own purposes. (I actually have written about this package before, this post presents a more elaborated code.) Continue reading “Routine to export tables from Stata to LaTeX”

Graphics from Word to Latex

A rather complicated graph/picture is easier to make in word than in Latex. The question remains how to get this figure in Latex then. I found a way. It involves some steps, but in the end, it works! First I made a PDF from the figure in word. Then I selected the figure and pasted it in “microsoft office picture manager”. With the program, you can save the picture as PNG and this Latex can read when using the command: \includegraphics[width=.7\linewidth]{fig_thesis.png}.

Loops in LaTeX

Similar to the loop functions in Stata (foreach, while, etc.), LaTeX allows loops. Suppose you have to include a large number of figures into a single .tex-document. In this case, you have to number the files containing figures consecutively (fig1.eps, fig2.eps, etc.) and apply the following code in your .tex-document: Continue reading “Loops in LaTeX”

Export single numbers to LaTeX or MS Word

In a text, you often you refer to a number (e.g. the number of observations in the estimation sample). There is a simple way to automise the export of this number from a Stata-do-file to a Latex-document. Continue reading “Export single numbers to LaTeX or MS Word”

Export of regression tables to LaTeX

The ado-files --esto-- and —esta— (has to be installed by typing --findit esto-- or —findit esta— into the Stata command window) provides a simple way to export regression tables from Stata to a separate LaTeX-file. At the same time, it is possible to adjust basically everything. I will just present a short example that I use for my regression tables (for adjusting the code, see --help esta--). After installing the ado-packages, run (in this case) two regressions, in my case: Continue reading “Export of regression tables to LaTeX”

Export summary statistics to LaTeX

The ado-file --sutex-- (has to be installed by typing --findit sutex-- into the Stata command window) provides a simple way to export summary statistics from Stata to a separate LaTeX-file. It is limited in individualised adjustment, but quite OK for most applications. By default, you get mean and standard deviation for variables VAR1, VAR2, VAR3, etc. A syntax could be: Continue reading “Export summary statistics to LaTeX”