Changing font color in table columns

In my ongoing search to further improve table layout for my beamer-presentations, I just came across a simple way to change the font color in tables. This comes in handy, for example, to highlight results regression results in specific tables.

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Routine to export tables from Stata to LaTeX

When it comes to exporting regression tables from Stata to LaTeX, there are several packages that can be used. For a long time, I used outreg2, but now improved my code for the the estout package by Ben Jann. The remainder of this post describes the routine that works best for, you might want to adjust it for your own purposes. (I actually have written about this package before, this post presents a more elaborated code.) Continue reading “Routine to export tables from Stata to LaTeX”

Guide on formatting tables in #LaTeX by Adrian Robinson:

There are a lot of sources giving advice on how to format your Latex tables. Adrian P. Robson ( wrote a very good and comprehensive guide on formatting tables in Latex. Just follow the following link to download the PDF file:

LATEX Table Hints and Tips (by Adrian P. Robson,