Turning Footnotes into Endnotes …

Submitting (LaTeX) written papers has some advantages: one usually does not have to change any formatting manually. LaTeX does that for us if it is instructed to do so. Journals often want the submissions to be formatted in a peculiar way. My challenge was to change footnotes to endnotes. I did remember that it was easy in LaTeX, but not how it was done, so Google had to help me …
Continue reading “Turning Footnotes into Endnotes …”

Graphics from Word to Latex

A rather complicated graph/picture is easier to make in word than in Latex. The question remains how to get this figure in Latex then. I found a way. It involves some steps, but in the end, it works! First I made a PDF from the figure in word. Then I selected the figure and pasted it in “microsoft office picture manager”. With the program, you can save the picture as PNG and this Latex can read when using the command: \includegraphics[width=.7\linewidth]{fig_thesis.png}.

Google Scholar to BiBTeX

Just found an easy way to import new references into my bibtex-database. When accessing Google Scholar, you can change google scholar preferences (next to the search field) that you get the bibtex-code for each result. Especially for working paper versions or conference papers this can be messy. But in general an easy way to update your bibtex-database.

Loops in LaTeX

Similar to the loop functions in Stata (foreach, while, etc.), LaTeX allows loops. Suppose you have to include a large number of figures into a single .tex-document. In this case, you have to number the files containing figures consecutively (fig1.eps, fig2.eps, etc.) and apply the following code in your .tex-document: Continue reading “Loops in LaTeX”

Two ways to get your LaTeX document to Word

Some LaTeX afficiendos might think … WHY? … but there is always a reason to transform your nicely layouted LaTeX file into something that resembles it in word. Journals that do not accept LaTeX files or PDFs as a submission is one, and probably the most important (and annoying) for researchers.

Here is a solution that seems to work. Use the LaTeX generated PDF and transform it into a Word file, using the following link:


I tried it and it works nicely, even with some (basic in my case) formulas.

An alternative prodecure that seems to work well is Grindeq which also allows to transform LaTeX documents to Word:


Edit: there is an alternative procedure by Tyler Ransom posted on Github specifically for Journal of Human Resources publication (follow the link here)

Export single numbers to LaTeX or MS Word

In a text, you often you refer to a number (e.g. the number of observations in the estimation sample). There is a simple way to automise the export of this number from a Stata-do-file to a Latex-document. Continue reading “Export single numbers to LaTeX or MS Word”