Follow new journal articles via RSS-feeds

When I started, I mainly checked new articles of my favorite journals and working paper series through email newsletters. To avoid to get too many emails, you can also subscribe to new articles through RSS-feeds (Really Simple Syndication). For me, the main advantage is that I can easily scroll through a lot of new articles at once in one place.

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Useful links and resources for academic economists

On this page, I collect advice for academic economists that I came across and found useful. It is a growing collection of advice on writing and presenting your research, tipps regarding your CV as well as on the econ job market.

If you have anything of which you think it might be worth to add to this list, pleaseĀ send me an email or comment below

Econometrics Handbook (online)

Econometrics Handbook (American Economic Association – Committee for Economic Education)

Four modules of An Online Handbook on using current econometric methods in economic education research are now posted on the Committee for Economic Education’s web page. Each module includes relevant data and LIMDEP, STATA, and SAS programs. They were developed by William Becker and coauthors. The topics are:

  • Module 1: Data Management and Heteroskedasticity
  • Module 2: Endogenous Regressors with Natural Experiments, Instrumental Variables, and Two-stage Estimators
  • Module 3: (with W. Greene and J. Siegfried): Panel Data
  • Module 4: (with W. Greene): Sample Selection

All are available here: