Produce multiple pdfs in LaTeX with automated cross-references

Create reference between documents (paper, letter to editor etc) with direct quotes.

For some time I looked for a way to simplify the process of linking LaTeX files of my manuscripts with the replies to editors and referees. In particular, I was looking for a way to automatically update cross-references (i.e. to put a \ref in the replies and link it to a \label in the mansuctipt – for example for a table), and also to put direct quotes of the from the main text into a report (e.g. if you want to tell the editor/referee if you have a specific sentence, paragraph or even table added to the revised manuscript).

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Track Changes in LaTeX and compare documents

One big disadvantage of writing in LaTeX compared to writing in other software, such as Word, is that its absence of track changes. Although there are ways to do track changes, such as the online tex-editor Sharelatex or the trackchanges package, I have sticked to commenting out deleted parts of the text, or by highlighting new passages in red. Continue reading “Track Changes in LaTeX and compare documents”