Graphics from Word to Latex

A rather complicated graph/picture is easier to make in word than in Latex. The question remains how to get this figure in Latex then. I found a way. It involves some steps, but in the end, it works! First I made a PDF from the figure in word. Then I selected the figure and pasted it in “microsoft office picture manager”. With the program, you can save the picture as PNG and this Latex can read when using the command: \includegraphics[width=.7\linewidth]{fig_thesis.png}.


Responses to “Graphics from Word to Latex”

  1. Jan Sauermann

    In many cases you can also simply use a pdf-file containing the figure and include it directly into the latex file. The code goes the following

    \caption{TITLE HERE}\label{figX}

    It only works when compiling the tex-file directly to pdf (i.e. it does not work when dvi–>ps–>pdf).

  2. Jan Sauermann
  3. nsalamanca

    A third (and somewhat easier way) method I use is to simply create or save the figure in any common image format such as JPEG OR TIFF and then use any free online image format converter to turn it into an EPS file. Then you can include it in the latex code and don’t have to worry about delimiting the box parameter around the figure. Moreover, you can use the code to generate DVI files and PDF as well, as long as you have the \usepackage{epstopdf} in your code preamble.

    One of many useful online image format converters is:

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