Stata courses

Drawing on my long-standing experience with Stata software, I’m now offering courses in Applied Microeconomics with Stata. I offer two different courses customized for beginners in Stata and for users with intermediate knowledge of Stata.

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The courses

At the moment, we offer two courses: one at the beginners’ level targeted e.g. at Masters or first year PhD students with no prior experience of using Stata, and one at intermediate level course targeted at individuals who are familiar with Stata but would like to take their Stata skills to the next level. Both courses can be tailored to the specific needs of the students.

Applied Microeconomics with Stata – Beginners’ level

  • Introduction to Stata: basic usage (loading and merging data; writing your first do-file)
  • Principles of replication for statistical analyses
  • Cleaning and first inspection of your data
  • Producing descriptive statistics
  • Running and interpreting regressions
  • Exporting output to various formats as text, tables, and figures

Applied Microeconomics with Stata – Intermediate level

  • Structuring do-files
  • Advanced use of macros (globals and locals) in writing do-files
  • Data management for efficient use of computer/server resources
  • Frames
  • Advanced regression analyses
  • Customizing various forms of statistical output

Where and how

The courses will be taught virtual including live demos and practice. For more information and quotes, please contact us.