
Using locals and loops to generate long strings

The following command can be used to generate a command which consists of several new variables which are generated within a loop.

This could either be done by (e.g. generating a number of log variables)
gen newvar1 = log(var1)
gen newvar2 = log(var2)

reg depvar newvar1 newvar2

If there are more variables to generate, it can be more handy to use the following commands

local command = ""
local loc = "var1 var2" /* this local contains all original variables */
foreach var of local loc {
gen new`var' = log(`var')
local command = " `command' new`var' "
di "`command'"

The new local-macro command now contains all new variables
newvar1 newvar2 and can be used in any commands.


Response to “Using locals and loops to generate long strings”

  1. Emily

    Thank you! Thank you! I have been all over the internet in Stata forums and could not figure how to concatenate long strings >255 characters into a local until I found your blog. In my case I had to make a bunch of dummy variable values, each for 1 of 10 periods to post to a Monte Carlo simulation to graph later. Here, is a variation of what I did that may hopefully help others:
    local loc “”
    foreach result in EY_group1_t EY_group2_t ///
    EY_group3_t EY_group2_t {
    forval t=1/20 {
    local loc “`loc’ `result’`t’ ”
    di “`loc’”

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